Mauro Paparella's cube is the perfect metaphor of human life for the artist. Over time everyone tries in every way to put together the pieces of their existence and just like with the Rubik's cube we try frantically to put each side in place with the right colors. As in reality, however, we realize that the undertaking is arduous and just when we finally succeed in the goal, dissatisfaction will take over. And so everything is mixed up trying to solve the enigma faster and faster in the hunt for a performance that will make us lose sight of the very essence of life.


The end of the work for an artist is like emerging from a trance state in which he is immersed during the interminable moments of creation. This element ideally symbolizes the passion with the pulsations of the author's heart which is reproduced on the canvas as the final act.

the split zero symbol is used by the artist to remind himself that having finished a painting does not represent a goal but the beginning of a new challenge. Every time we need to cancel ourselves by coming down from the pedestal of presumption and vanity.

For Mauro Paparella, the hashtag represents, as happens on the internet, the need for continuous research. Only with this objective will an artist be able to claim to change his horizon without fear.

This symbol is ideally linked to the previous one as it indicates the desire to wander in different directions without prejudices and preconceptions with the desire to explore all the avenues of art with imagination.

I create Art to seek happiness. I like to always experiment with new things by walking on many roads because art has no boundaries. When I finish a painting I'm only satisfied for a minute. I know that the best job will be the next one and I start running faster and faster for a new project.

"I look for serenity in chaos to appease my anger, I look for chaos when serenity takes over to start running again with my imagination"


Via Umberto I, 23 - 84073 Sapri (SA)



Copyright © Mauro Paparella all rights reserved.